
With the generous help of our supporters, we are working to build a consistent team of sponsors to help expand our mission and include as many Veterans in our Project as possible.  If you can help in any way - please contact us for more information.

The Austin Sherwood Memorial Recipient

USMC 09’-14’ HMLA “Gunrunners”


Austin was a 2010 graduate of Central Catholic High School in Bloomington, Illinois and a member of the 2008 state champion football team. He was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, serving five years in the HMLA 269 "Gunrunners" Squadron which was deployed to the Middle East in February 2014. Austin was an air crew chief on the UH-1Y Yankee helicopter. He enjoyed the outdoors, especially hunting and fishing. Austin was enrolled at Colorado State University and was a member of VFW Post 15006 in Fort Collins, Colo.  


Each year one of our Alumni will have the opportunity to nominate another Veteran to be “The Austin Sherwood Recipient” for the next trip.    With the consideration of the Sherwood Family the nominee will receive a full sponsorship for the following year’s trip. This award is supported through an annual donation from the Currall Family of Southern California.